Whole utility applications and miscellaneous functions. Any statistics, analysis tools etc should go in the analysis module.
- Package structure
shell (providing some ipython-like functions for standard python prompts where IPython is not available (such as in PyDev))
gui (gui interface for most used functions including import, analyse, fit, tune)
io (input/output functions building on those in numpy etc)
fileio (easy handling of common file-type importing and exporting)
opc (real-time OPC access)
pi (Pi Historian read access)
citect (real-time/historical read access)
- universal wizard kick-off menu (so that individual package capabilities don't need to be remembered)
- data logger (preferably with a UI in a separate process to the logging process - so that it can be monitored, plotted etc without compromising accurate timing etc - I think the OPC toolbox provides command-line logging)
- other real-time interfacing including OPC tools to augment available toolboxes (e.g. to help network accessibility)
- historical/off-line data interfacing (e.g. PI-historian, stock prices, web data resources)
- file I/O:
memmapped arrays - read large files (e.g. csv, DataBase, ...) into array chunks that fit into memory, writing each to a file, remembering number of records. Then create a new memmapped array of the correct size and read and write all the chunks into the new array.
- workspace management (saving current state, etc. (.npz file))
- read and write data files of most formats (.csv,.tab,.txt,.npy,.mat,.h5,.xls?), memmap as necessary to fit into memory
- use pytables' HDF5 format as general data saving as well as interchange between MATLAB and python
- MATLAB's save function will take a -v7.3 option to use the HDF5-based version of the MATLAB MAT-file (if the default file format is not already set to this!),
- ???live data getting from and putting to an open Excel spreadsheet (e.g. from highlighted cell range)
- use pytables' HDF5 format as general data saving as well as interchange between MATLAB and python